Hi There
My name is Kaylene and when I need to find great information to help me with issues that arise every day I search for my answers online. Let’s face it you can pretty much find everything you need to know online (and some things that you don’t want to đŸ™‚ ). If I am not sure how to do something then my trusty computer comes out and I can usually get some great information really quickly. I try to seek out quick and easy solutions to my questions but I also favour websites that are from credible sources because I want the information I find to be accurate and not misleading.
If I just bookmark the websites that I find it can get confusing after a while, so I have decided to compile a blog that organises all of the valuable information I have found.
I will also share some of the best general links that I find, just because they are good and it feels better to share!
Finally because I love to cook I will throw in quite a few of the recipes that I love. Some are mine and others are adapted from great recipes I’ve found elsewhere.
I can be contacted at kaylenep@thelinkssite.com or simply use the comments box below.
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