What is the Liebster Award you ask?
Well, I asked myself that question too when I was nominated for the award by the lovely Amanda at Crafty Cooking Mama. But after having a look around online I now know that the Liebster Award is an online prize that is awarded to bloggers by other bloggers! From what I have read it is like the encouragement award of blogging, designed to recognise new blogs with less than 1000 followers.
How cool – giving other new and emerging blogs a bit of a virtual pat on the back seems like a wonderful idea. It‘s so easy to feel like no one has noticed you when you are just starting out with a blog!
Anyway, while I might not have ever heard of the Liebster Award before I was grateful to accept it none the less because well who doesn’t love getting an award right!
And it is a bit of fun too; you get to reveal some fun things about yourself and then nominating other bloggers to do the same! So thank you to Amanda for nominating me, I feel honoured that you chose to nominate me for the award. Check out Amanda’s great blog here!
So here is a bit about the award:
Liebster Award Official Rules:
You’ve been nominated. Now what…
1. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you with a thank you & a link to their blog.
2. Display The Liebster Award badge on your blog.
3. Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided by the person who nominated you.
4. Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
5. Nominate 5+ bloggers (with fewer than 1,000 followers) who you feel deserve the award.
6. Create a new list of 11 questions for your nominated bloggers to answer.
7. Make sure you notify your nominees!
Questions from Amanda:
1. What are your earliest cooking inspirations?
My earliest cooking inspiration would have to be my Mum! Mum cooked all of the cakes, slices, and cookies that we had in our house.
2. Where do you live? What is wonderful about where you call home?
I live in Bendigo in Victoria, Australia. The best thing about where I live would have to be that it is a small city but it is also quite rural, so you get the best of both worlds.
3. You can buy a second home (money is no object here) anywhere in the world. Where would you be?
I would love to have a holiday house somewhere in Tropical North Queensland; it’s so beautiful there, with the rainforests and the reef.
4. What has your proudest accomplishment been in life so far?
I would probably have to say that the accomplishment that I am most proud of is becoming more self-sufficient. It is so rewarding being able to harvest your own fruit and vegetables.
5. Think back to being a kid….What did you want to be when you grew up? How does that compare to what you are doing now?
Originally I think I wanted to be a flight attendant! That seems so silly now because while I don’t mind flying every now and again I would hate to do it for a living!
6. Open up your fridge. What do you see most of in there?
I don’t think that there is any one item that dominates my fridge but I have to say that these days it contains more staples that are used in cooking. We don’t buy as much pre prepared food as we used to because we think that homemade is much tastier.
7. What makes you happy?
I am most happy when I am out in the garden working. There is nothing more rewarding than looking back at a patch you have been working on and seeing that it is better looking or more productive!
8. What is your most treasured possession?
It would probably have to be my smart phone because you use it for so many things these days. Just the other day my heart skipped a beat when I thought I had lost it!
9. You could only eat one type of cuisine for the rest of your life. What would it be?
I don’t know if it counts as a cuisine but I could probably eat baked goods for the rest of my life if I had too. I can’t resist cakes, slices, cookies, and the like. I don’t know how my weight would go if that was all I was eating!
10. 30 years from now – where do you see yourself in life?
Hopefully more of what I am doing now. I love reading and learning from others, so hopefully I will have learnt a lot of more interesting skills by then!
11. What inspired you to start blogging and what inspires you to keep blogging?
I enjoy looking for answers if I don’t know how to do something and I wanted to share what I was learning. Now that I have been blogging for a while I can’t believe how much there is to learn about blogging itself! Naturally that makes me want to keep going.
11 Random Facts About Me:
1. I don’t drink tea or coffee, I have never been able to stand the taste of either.
2. My favourite movie is Groundhog Day.
3. I love Dalmatians, our beloved Dallies died a couple of years ago but if I ever get another dog it will most likely be a Dally!
4. My favourite author is James Patterson; I have lots of his books.
5. I can be quite stubborn when I want to be.
6. My star sign is Cancer and I like to read my horoscope for fun.
7. My favourite colour is yellow.
8. My love of the colour yellow is probably why my favourite flower is the daffodil!
9. I am not a morning person.
10. My favourite subject at school was maths.
11. Speaking of school, the best thing I ever learnt to do at school was touch type. I actually learnt on a typewriter not a computer!
Now to My Nominees:
The nominees are listed below in no particular order. I have really enjoyed reading these blogs so I hope that you will click on the links below and check them out too!
11 Questions for my Nominees:
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What is your all-time favourite book?
3. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be and why?
4. Do you have any pets, if yes what are they?
5. What is your favourite time of day; morning, afternoon, or night?
6. If you could have the choice of any store to move into your area what would it be?
7. What is your favourite thing to do in your spare time?
8. Do you make New Year’s resolutions, if so do you keep them?
9. Favourite subject at school?
10. Do you play a musical instrument, if yes which one?
11. Name 3 things that you could not live without?
Congrats Kaylene! These are so much fun to read! I’d happily eat only baked goods for the rest of my life too : )
Thanks Amanda, I had fun writing this post – oh and thanks again for nominating me!