Now that the cold weather is upon us I have been planning the list of winter gardening jobs that I need to complete!
It’s a bit harder to get motivated to get out into the garden these days. Some days the wind is so icy that the last thing you feel like doing is digging around in the dirt – even with gloves on! We’ve planted lots of vegetables which helps draw us out into the garden. There is nothing better than checking the garden every day to see if your seeds have sprouted/grown! This winter we have silver beet, carrots, lettuce, peas, broad beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and garlic in the veggie patch.
I also like to check on my overwintering capsicums pretty regularly, they’ve been tucked into their straw bale cocoon for a few weeks now. Apart from checking the veggie patch there are plenty of other things that need to be taken care of over the winter months though.
I find that I work more efficiently if I have a to-do list to look at. Organising the winter gardening jobs is no exception. A to-do list comes in handy because I’m not spending as much time outside when it’s cold so I don’t notice what needs doing!
I have organised my list into early winter, mid-winter and late winter jobs so that I can keep track of what should be done when. Plus I have listed a few jobs that are repeated or ongoing over winter. I don’t always get everything done when it should be but a least I can check it off the list when it is!
Here are some of the winter gardening jobs that I will be doing in the garden over the next few months:
Early Winter Gardening Jobs
- rake up any remaining fallen leaves from deciduous trees and put in compost
- harvest pumpkins and gourds before the first frost
- use up old seeds to grow a green manure crop
- plant out spring flowering bulbs if you haven’t done so already
- organise frost protection and provide it to for susceptible plants when necessary
- bring cold sensitive potted plants inside
- prune fruit trees
- Prune Salvias
Mid-Winter Gardening Jobs
- feed spring bulbs
- prune crepe myrtle and may bush
- harvest lemons from lemon tree to promote summer crop
- start planning for spring
- prune roses
Late Winter Gardening Jobs
- prune hydrangea
- repot container plants where necessary
- lightly dress new bulbs with potash
- fertilise lemon tree
- sow some vegetable seeds for spring planting (keep indoors)
- plant seed potatoes
Repeat Winter Gardening Jobs
- weed vegetable and ornamental garden beds
- top up mulch where necessary
- feed current vegetable crops every 4 – 6 weeks
- provide frost protection for susceptible plants when necessary
- provide frost protection for garden hose connectors
- keep up with mowing lawns
- treat any oxalis weed (soursob) with glyphosate
What jobs do you have planned for your garden during winter? Are there any jobs that I need to add to my list?
If you want to get some more information on gardening during winter check out my Winter Garden Board on Pinterest!
Thanks for sharing the valuable information..