Do you buy glass cleaner? If you do I’m here to let you know that a very basic homemade glass cleaner is all you need for sparkling mirrors and windows!
A couple of years back I shared a recipe for homemade glass cleaner. I was thrilled to find it because it meant I didn’t have to buy glass cleaner anymore. Since I wrote that post I have changed the way I clean my glass and mirrors just slightly.
I was going to update the original post but I thought it would be better to fully explain the change. The original glass cleaner recipe used vinegar, water, and cornflour/cornstarch. While that recipe worked fine I found that the mixture went off if it was stored for a while.
I used to keep my mixture in the bathroom cupboard so that I could clean the mirrors but one day I got it out and it looked grey and horrible. That was really disappointing. I didn’t want to have to make it up fresh every time I needed to use it!
I decided to keep a mixture of vinegar and water ready at all times and then just added a bit of cornflour to a cloth when needed.
One day when I was cleaning my bathroom mirror I got a bit lazy and just gave the mirror a spray with the vinegar and water mixture. I wiped over the mirror and dried it with paper towel and it came up sparkling!
I was a bit annoyed that I had been fussing around with adding the cornflour when I didn’t need to! This recipe will allow you to clean glass easily with little or no cost!
Easy Homemade Glass Cleaner
What you will need:
- Vinegar
- Water
- Spray bottle
- Measuring cup
Measure out 1 cup vinegar and add it to a spray bottle.
Add a cup of water to the spray bottle and give it a shake.
Now you’re ready to clean all your windows and mirrors!
Now I only ever use a vinegar and water solution to clean my mirrors. It is so easy to keep some in a spray bottle in the bathroom cupboard.
It works really well on windows as well.
I took some photos the other day of one of my windows before and after cleaning with vinegar and water. The window in question had a build-up of little tiny nose prints on it from when our cat Wally (seen in the before picture above) sits and looks out. He loves looking out the windows at night and puts his little nose up against the glass all around the house!
Anyway a quick clean with the easiest glass cleaner you will ever find did the trick. All the dust and those cute little nose prints are gone! I don’t have any problems with streaks either. Just use a piece of paper towel to buff it dry and any streaks are gone!
I hope I have convinced you to have a go at making your own glass cleaner.
Yes, it’s a very basic recipe, but it’s definitely the most efficient one. Cornstarch can be added only if the glass is very stained and there is build-up dirt that needs to be removed by something abrasive.
Plus it’s great because it is cheap too!